Scientific name: Copaifera paupera (Herzog) Dwyer
Botanical Family: Fabaceae
The tree can grow up to 20-30 meters high; the trunk is straight, gray-green color, presents alternate, compound leaves, rounded at the base, which grow to 3-5 inches long and 1-2 wide, ending in bunches or clusters of inflorescence, white, fragrant, small, bisexual flowers. Its fruit is a pod, seeds covered by an orange berry or pod.
It is used in acarosis, tonsillitis, contraception, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic urinary tract, arthritis, asthma, as a bactericide, chronic bronchitis, as healing of ulcers or wounds in the skin and gastric ulcers, cystitis, ear pain in acute pharyngitis, hemorrhoids, for hypertension, impotence, sexually transmitted infections (chronic gonorrhea and genital herpes), for inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract in leishmaniasis (uta) also against leucorrhoea in liver diseases, psoriasis, rheumatism, in sinusitis, tetanus and coughs,
- Arthritus
Traditional Use: Relieves pain, swelling, stiffness and heats the joints.
Preparation: Use fresh oleoresin directly.
Administration: External.
Dose: Apply by rubbing or massaging; use 20 milliliters of the oleoresin on the affected joint, until it is completely absorbed. Use daily for a month.
Diet: Do not drink alcohol or use frozen foods, avoid bathing too late and rest. Recommendations: The application must of the oleoresin must be massaged into the affected area to facilitate absorption, reducing pain and inflammation.
- As healing of gastric ulcers
Traditional use: It heals ulcers, relieving excruciating pain, burning and sensation of acidity in the stomach.
Preparation: Dilute five drops in a tablespoon of warm water.
Administration: Oral.
Dosage: Take the remedy, and fast for seven days and assess signs of improvement.
Diet: Avoid fermented foods or saved, macerated drinks (Masato), spicy foods, seasoned with spices, vinegar, pepper, oil, butter and canned goods.
Recommendations: Do not ingest food prepared with other drugs, eat a bland diet (only boiled food without spices), without much salt or oil (butter).
Preparation is daily and should not be saved for another day … .19
- For hypertension
Traditional Use: Reduces high blood pressure and relieves the symptoms of this disease.
Preparation: Dilute five drops of copaiba oil in half a glass of water.
Administration: Oral.
Dosage: Take the preparation during the mornings for 15 days.
Diet: Reduce salt intake and foods that are high in fat, do not drink alcohol.
Recommendations: Provide the patient with light meals with only a little salt and fat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables.
If the disease persists See your doctor as soon as possible. Prepared and used at the time of use.
In oleoresin copaiba is between 30 and 80% volatile oil, copaíbico acids copaiférico, copaiferólico, copálico and paracopaíbico, sesquiterpenes as α-cis-bergamoteno, α- trans-bergamoteno, arcurcumeno, β-caryophyllene (compound majority ), β-elemene, caryophyllene oxide and tannins.