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Palo santo wood, cones and oil, metaphysical properties (Bursera graveolens)
08:07:10Palo santo ( Holy wood) Unlike other incense, the stick of Palo Santo can be used several times. It is already sold in the form of sticks about 10 centimeters long. It can be used as incense of that palo
Chuchuwasi, teacher amazon plant, traditional uses
09:05:20CHUCHUWASI Scientific name: Maytenus macrocarpa (R. & P.) Briq. Botanical Family: Celastraceae TRADITIONAL USES For the numbness of limbs, as an aphrodisiac, analgesic, antidiarrheal, anti-dysentery, anti-inflammatory, intestinal parasite (helminth), anti-pyretic, arthritis, against bronchitis, for dysmenorrhea, back and muscle pain, as
Chancapiedra, amazon herb, traditional use
09:03:59CHANCAPIEDRA Scientific name: Phyllanthus niruri L. Botanical Family: Euphorbiaceae TRADITIONAL USES It is used to guard against acne, in amenorrhea, such as antibacterial, anti-hepatotoxic, inflammation, anti-malarial, anti-pyretic, anti-septic, anti-viral, asthma, as an astringent in gonorrhea, for biliary and urinary tract,
Copaiba oil, amazon resin, traditional use
09:02:27COPAIBA OIL Scientific name: Copaifera paupera (Herzog) Dwyer Botanical Family: Fabaceae BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION The tree can grow up to 20-30 meters high; the trunk is straight, gray-green color, presents alternate, compound leaves, rounded at the base, which grow to 3-5