($45.00 1)
A set of 7 stones called meteorite for reiki healing in training or practitioners.
For those familiar with the practice of reiki, which is meditation and guided visualizations, there is a psychic form that can be applied to the stones, when you have cleaned them and in a meditational position, the stones are held with both hands, and then visualize the above techniques in a mental and energetic way, this method is only possible if the stones have been previously purified by their owner, physically discharging any gravitational force that they may contain.
If we work with an Andean table or (misha) or other power objects, stones are efficient channels for transmitting refined energy, you can even charge other stones for massage or energy work once our khuyas are operational.
See our video: Chumpis origin and Andean Reiki
The khuyas are only interested in their owner, and the combined affect he receives, in this regard and is not recommended to use the khuyas outside.
Before collected the stones the master craftsmen have to make an offering to Apus and the Astros, they put their hands on this material which has a lot of energy; everything is hand carved and handmade.
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